Sunday, December 2, 2007

Anything I could think of

I have no idea what to write about anymore. I have a pretty boring life. All I do is go to school and go to work and I'm too broke to do anything else really. I've had a cold for over a week now and I can't stop coughing and I've been sleeping like crap because of it. I still don't know how I'm going to write my paper and I didn't even do my report on my book for history and I don't even care. I might've had enough time to finish the book, but who knows. I didn't even know how I was supposed to get 5 to 7 pages on something I don't even understand anyway.

My two dogs can be really annoying sometimes. If ones not being stupid the other one is. We had to get one of them neutered because they would go psycho on each other. I mean like crazy wolf dogs snapping and attacking each other. Well, we pretty much wasted $320 because even after the surgery they still do it. So I'm not sure if we're going to have to sell one or what. The black lab doesn't eat his food ever. Sometimes he will go three days without eating. And you can't tell me he's not hungry when he goes outside to go to the bathroom and I find him eating his own poop.

I can't wait for this coming Tues. because season six of 24 comes out and I'm really excited about seeing it because season 5 ended really good and in suspense for the next one. Than the week after that Harry Potter five comes out and I can't wait, I've been wanting to watch it again ever since I saw it in the theatre.....Yes I LOVE the Harry Potter movies. Also that day the Bourne Ultimatum and Pirates 3 comes out. I never got to see the Bourne one in the theatre so I can't wait to see that. Pirates the only reason I want to see that again is because Johnny Depp is just so awesome and hot. Other than that the third one was a big disappointment.

I wish that I didn't have to do two years of schooling here. I wish I could've just done everything in Illinois. I'm so sick of it here. I hate my job, my husband hates his job. At least the days are going by faster than I thought they would. I can't believe it's already December. In a couple of weeks I'll be 24 years old and I still have about 7 or 8 years left of schooling. To me that's a long time. I wish that I would've know what I wanted to do sooner, but I guess this is the way it was supposed to go.

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